WL: Flayer

From The Wastelands
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WL1 FlayerMesh.png

WL: Flayer

Barter Value: 35

Some say you can skin someone alive with this, others say it just looks like a giant, rusty butter knife.

You can receive them by trading with Alden. There is no public recipe for this item.

Alternative Cosmetic

A special alternate cosmetic Flayer is awarded to those who contribute to The Wastelands Patreon, or those who have "a sizable amount of Land" in the Wastelands itself. This version functions identically to the original as a weapon, but comes with a few caveats: It cannot be traded or sold, it is copyable, and it cannot be used with the Salvage Masheen or Doktor Aeg for crafting.

Alternate Cosmetic version