Tier Payment

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In order for anyone to maintain their land in Second Life, everyone must make recurring payments to the service provider. Usually it's Linden Lab or another entity that manages an estate in Second Life -- such as The Wastelands.

We've built a few systems to make payments for your land in The Wastelands. Our systems are fantastically simple, just visit the following following location to find our tier panels and more.

The Black Tier Panel: Pay Individual Parcels

Tier Kiosk 01.png
Tier Kiosk 02.png

If you are a resident of the estate, or a "partner" on a property all you need to do is touch the tier payment panel and it will log you in. If you are not a resident or not listed as a "partner" the system will not log you in, and it'll let you know. Once logged in it will display a picture of your land and detailed information in your local chat. You're the only person who sees the info while logged in, and the only person who can operate the panel. The information displayed is pretty self explanatory:


Property # over the number of parcels you own.
The Parcel Name
Who current the tenant is
The max amount of time you can pay.
Tier for each week.
Prims, Area
Parcel Due Date
If your parcel is overdue or not.

Sample Output

[20:12] WL: Tier Pay: Hello! You have successfully logged in NeoBokrug Elytis.
[20:12] WL: Tier Pay: Property (1/14)
Fort Stygian (234,173,69) - 468
Tenant: NeoBokrug Elytis
Max Payment: 15 week(s)
Tier: One week (L$876) Two weeks (L$1752) Three weeks (L$2628) Four weeks (L$3504)
Prims: 468 Size: 1024 sqm.
Due Date: June 29 2011, 12:30 pm
This parcel is OVERDUE!


Once logged in there are five buttons you can click, and an interaction timer in the lower left. This timer will refresh itself any time you touch or interact with the Tier Panel. The Arrow Buttons to the left and right of the parcel picture will scroll through the parcels you own, displaying each parcels information in local chat. The Help Button will give a link to this wiki article. The Pay Button will just tell you to right click the Tier Panel and select Pay. Whatever parcel is currently selected, is the parcel that will be paid. The Done Button will log you out.


A partner is a person who can also view land details and make payments to the parcel. The owner must contact the Management and let them know which parcel of land and who they want the partner to be.


If you would like to receive your notices about overdue land and payments made to your tier meter via email rather than SL-IM, please send an email to neobokrug[DOT]elytis[AT]gmail[DOT]com with the name of the avatar you'd like to associate your email with.

Vanity Images

As a tenant, you can select what parcel picture you'd like to use. For now just contact Management with a photo UUID and parcel coordinates. This will help you distinguish between your parcels if you own a few.

The Red Tier Panel: Pay All One Week

Red Tier Kiosk 01.png

This tier panel will allow you to pay one week for all of your parcels across the estate. It automatically calculates what is due for the next week. All you need to do is click to log in and review the list of parcels it provides. Once successfully logged in, 'ANYONE' can right click and make a payment for all the parcels listed, even your friends. Some things should be noted though:

It does not count account for parcel partners. It only accounts for the land you currently own.
It doesn't send emails or IMs for a successful payment, but it still logs everything in the database(s).
It will only list available parcels where an additional week of tier would not go over the tier maximum, which is currently 3 months.
There's plenty of extra internal logging and notifications, but only if things go wrong.

The Brown Tier Panel: Pay All Four Weeks

This is just like the Red Tier Panel, but pays for four weeks instead of one.