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Visiting the Wastelands is one thing, living there is an entirely different level of involvement. The following articles on this page should help new and old residents alike. Included is a list of Frequently Asked Questions, or a FAQ if you will.


Q. Where and how do I pay for my tier?

A. At the Tier Kiosk

Q. Is there a group for the land owners that I should join?

A. Yes, this group is invite only. You will receive an invite after you purchase some land.

Q. Can my (friend, significant other, pet, imaginary friend) join that group?

A. Sorry no. The group is landholders only, as there are many special benefits that come along with membership of the group.

Q. Can you subdivide or join parcels for me?

A. Unless you're in a Homestead sim in the estate, no. To change the dimensions of the land is a lot of work, I would have to change the meter settings, adjust the infrastructure land, and builds on that land. So to avoid more work than I can handle, I've set up the sims in such a way that some parcels can be added on, by purchasing the parcel adjacent to it. You could always try the Free Move Program.

Q. Can you add more prims to my parcel?

A. I cannot add prims to a single parcel. Because I have already done all the math necessary to make sure the sims don't go over the budget cap of 15,000 prims, I won't change the prim bonus on the region. If you would like more prims for your land, simply purchase another parcel of land in the same simulator. Your prims are counted in a pool of resources you can use within the sim. For instance, if you have two 234 prim parcels, you could use all 468 prims on one of the parcels, or split it any way between the two.