Uncle Smirk

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Uncle Smirk is played by cottonginandtonic, and can frequently be found in Hambone Slough.

Smirk is a squat, green and spotted exiled mutant, with huge feet and a sloped face. His gravely voice is often slurred and more often than not he smells of booze. If he is not passed out he is trying to nest with any female within stumbling distance. Smirk’s darting tongue is long enough to reach the bottom of most bottles.

Smirk’s excels at drinking. He can also sniff out purple mushrooms like a hound. On the other hand, he's terrible at making friends and learning any meaningful lessons from any of his many mistakes.

Rumors About Smirk

  • Smirk once fell into the Great Fissure... while on fire.
  • Smirk is the brother of Girk, father of Irk.
  • Smirk has been exiled from his tribe more than once.
  • Smirk was once the chief of his tribe.